Curricula - Knowledge - Navigation



For the heading ENVIRONMENT we consider 10 parameters and respective variables:

Residential – Locations where people dwell. Houses, flats, and hotel rooms are examples.

Recreational – Places where people go to have a good time. Pubs, nightclubs, restaurants, cinemas, playgrounds, and parks are examples.

Religious – Mosques, Churches, Synagogues, pray halls, etc.

Offices and Production – Different SCP categories are included under this heading. Locations of white-collar work where there is little face-to-face interaction between the workers and the general public. Government and business facilities are often of this type, including police and military installations. Access to these locations is often restricted. But these locations include also the traditional SCP category of ‘retail’ (Places for walk-in or drive-up customer traffic) and ‘Industrial’ (Locations for processing of goods. Factories, warehouses, package-sorting facilities are examples), and ‘Agricultural’ (Locations for growing crops and animals).

Education – Places of learning or study, including day care centres, schools, universities, libraries and churches.

Human service – Places where people go when something is wrong. Courts, jails, prisons, police stations, hospitals and some drug treatment centres are examples.

Critical Infrastructures and Public Ways – Critical Infrastructures are defined by the EU Directives, while public ways include all routes connecting all other environments. Roads and highways, footpaths and bike trails, and drives and parking facilities are examples. Transport – Locations for the mass movement of people. These include buses, bus stations and bus stops, airplanes and airports, trains and train stations, ferries and ferry terminals, and ocean liners and piers. Open/transitional – Areas without consistent or regular designated uses. These differ from parks in that they have not been designated for recreation, though people may use them for this.

Transitional areas – include immigration centres, abandoned properties and construction sites, facilities where homeless live or squatted business facilities and housings.

War and Transitional Territories – include war zones, failed states, transitional areas, insurgent contexts, areas under military occupation and the routes towards these locations. This category is relevant for foreign fighters and foreign terrorist fighters.

Virtual spaces – include internet, and the whole cyber dimensions.